McFadden Lighting is an expert restorer of historic lighting fixtures. Our restoration specialists have over 70 years of experience restoring antique and historic luminaires. Some of our work includes restoration and replications for historical buildings, institutions, churches, and private residences.


McFadden specializes in lighting replication. Whether you are attempting to recreate a broken fixture or a 150 year old gas chandelier from a newspaper article, McFadden can provide a replicate. Replication often takes many hours of historic research both behind a computer and in the field.

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Each project is thoroughly researched to ensure accurate materials and techniques are applied to reach “as close to original” condition. Our commitment is to handle your luminaire with the care and attention it deserves while restoring, replicating, and/or retrofitting to meet your needs.

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Retrofitting your existing fixtures can be a cost effective way to improve the performance of a luminaire without the costs of replacing it. Retrofitting consists of updating the lighting element, wiring, and components, with the intent of improving energy consumption and reducing maintenance costs.

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